
    Oral Appliance Can Solve Snoring and Sleep Apnea Issues


    [dropcap color="#247896" boxed="yes" boxed_radius="50%" class="" id=""S[/dropcap]noring and obstructive sleep apnea are common issues that can – and do – impact quality of life. While snoring is mostly a nuisance to bedmates, sleep apnea can cause [...]

    Oral Appliance Can Solve Snoring and Sleep Apnea Issues2015-03-12T18:07:26-04:00

      Electric Toothbrushes – A Great Way to Make Your Kids Brush


      By Jaime O'Neill DDS Over the years, there’s been a long-running debate over which is the more effective way to clean your teeth – a traditional toothbrush or power-driven model. Early power toothbrushes were often [...]

      Electric Toothbrushes – A Great Way to Make Your Kids Brush2016-04-07T09:26:29-04:00